Interview with Batia Shimshon - daughter
InterviewWith Batya Shimshon second generation.
What was your mother name?
Where did your mother born?
Where did she grow up?
Where did she live before the war?
Which places did she have been through during and after the war?
What can you tell us more about your mother?
Translated interview:
Cheza Barshefsky probably born in Lodge. She grew up in the town Zeklekov.
During the Second World War she was inside Lodge Ghetto. She stayed in the ghetto until its distraction. Inside the Ghetto, Cheza ran a sewing workshop and took care of her son, who was 5 years old at that time, until the ghetto's distraction. After that, she was transformed to Auschwitz, and from Auschwitz she transformed to "Fieldefaing"(Germany) – work camp.
During her time in Lodge she met ShimShon Kampinsky. He also got to Auschwitz and from there to "Fieldefaing". There they met again and got married soon after.
From Germany they went to Italy, and from there they got on an illegal boarding ship and sailed to Israel with intentions of making "Alia". When they arrived to the Israeli beaches the British regime considered them as an illegal immigration and didn't let them to do the "Alia". The British regime sends them to Cyprus and in 1948 they finally do the "Alia". Cheza settled in Pardes-Hana and from there she moved to Kfar-Saba and stayed there until her death in 1976.
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